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Nice to meet you, I’m Ariel(Yejun) !



Based in South Korea and Pittsburgh(PA), I’m currently pursuing a master's degree in Information Systems Management at Carnegie Mellon University. I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Information Systems from Carnegie Mellon. I am passionate about the intersection of how products and technology come together to enhance user experience. I am currently pursuing both paths in product management/technical program management and software engineering area. 

I have interned at Justworks as a software engineering intern and in startups: PureUX and Biomotivate as a frontend development intern and as a UX designer. Also, I have taken part in Dr. Adam Perer's Opioid Crisis Machine Learning Lab as a co-author of a research paper and user research assistant and in Dr.Daniel Silverman’s Rebel Leaders Organization lab as a web design research assistant.


In the meantime, check out my artwork below that I have drawn during my free time!

What I Do During My Free Time!

Click on images!

©All Rights Reserved Ariel Yejun Kwak Portfolio 2024




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